Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pictures painted in hell- My interview with Lucifer Valentine

Somewhere in the United states there is a man who people know as Lucifer Valentine. He makes movies. Good movies. Tons of people love him, but for every one fan there are two who would like to see his head on a table. Because of this he tends to be a bit of a recluse and doesn't do alot of interviews. Fortunately for you, he has agreed to answer some questions. So, without further adieu...

VideoStar- Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer a few questions.I browsed online and it looked like it had been a while since your last interview, so I figured it was about god damned time!. You and I have chatted online a bit so I have a good idea of things you will not answer, And things that are self explanatory, so I'm not gonna waste your time with silly questions. I know that you are a very busy dude, so this is greatly appreciated.

Lucifer Valentine- Ok cool thanks man, go right ahead !

VideoStar- I've noticed a common theme in the interviews you've done online in the past few years. Interviewers tend to ask you about satanism and if you "really believe in Satan". First of all, the confusion on the subject bewilders me. You make no secret of the fact that you are a practitioner of Satanism, in fact Satan and satanism are both key characters in the Vomit gore trilogy. If you wouldn't mind, explain to us what Satan and Satanism mean to you.

Lucifer Valentine- Well I was raised a Satanist and so I've always been this way. To me, Satanism means that I embrace my true beast-like dark essence as a spiritual being and to be true to that and honor it in my daily life amongst other humans in the surface reality of normal practical living. Satanism for me means that I feel a strong connection to nature, especially animals, and that I trust my instincts and primal feelings in this world. Philosophically, I would say that Satanism represents the opposite of fear and crushing self doubt; and inspires and evokes a calm yet haunting overall dark presence.

VideoStar- I think it would surprise people to know that as reclusive as you are, you are  constantly in contact with fans and seem to love talking with them.It also seems as if you have stepped up your online presence recently more so than in previous years. What are the chances that your fans will ever get a chance to actually meet you and shake the hand of the man who brought us Vomit gore? Will we ever see a "Meet Lucifer Valentine" banner at a horror convention?

Lucifer Valentine- Well I started mostly talking to thousands of disgruntled people on horror discussion forums way back in 2006 when I was promoting SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS and introducing people to Vomit Gore ! That was loads of fun ! Many many so-called horror movie fans despised me because I was presenting something new and unknown to them at the time and I found it fascinating and fun to see their reactions of fear, anger and negativity because that is the exact opposite of how I am as a person and it was very surprising to me. Now its six years later and I prefer to go on Facebook and chat with people mostly on the LV Fanclub group page and thats a blast and obviously nicer as the people there join the group because they actually like my movies and want to discuss the genre of Vomit Gore and anything else I am doing ! As for horror conventions, I have no idea if I'd ever attend something like that we'll have to wait and see. 

VideoStar- It is well known that you are a fan of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain. As a fan, how do you feel about the way his image has been used since his death? There was a Kurt Cobain action figure, a... "very lively" representation of him in a Video game, not to mention all of the pencils, stickers, air fresheners, and beer coasters... Do you feel that it has helped to further his legacy, or do you feel that it has only served to bring to reality what he feared most about success?

Lucifer Valentine- Oh wow,I didn't even know there was all that Kurt Cobain merchandise, I think both notions are true, the sale of these products help further his legacy and also introduce brand new fans to Cobain, while at the same time, yes, I do feel that the commodification of his image was something that Cobain truly dreaded and did in part contribute to his demise. To me Kurt Cobain represents a beautifully talented and fragile genius who was unable to cope with an overwhelming inner conflict of wanting to create his art, but having a crippling inability to cope with the world's consumption of that art and how that made him reflect upon himself and begin to question his own motivations for continuing to make his music. Cobain was one of the most recent rock n' roll icons to die way before his time and his death leaves me with a sense of endless sadness which influenced the character of Angela Aberdeen in my movies as I illustrated elements of Angela and Kurt's quantum entanglement of their simultaneous suicides on April 5th 1994.

VideoStar- Let's talk a bit about the vomit gore genre. The horror world was shocked by your films and the vomit gore concept when they were introduced to the world. do you think it is possible for Vomit gore to span into other Genres such as...comedy, drama, action. Would it ever be possible to have a Vomit Gore Romantic comedy or buddy action flick? Or is Vomit gore strictly for the horror world?

Lucifer Valentine- Haha, well its hard to say exactly, but, I think that Vomit Gore movies will usually involve a central female character (or series of female characters) who is studied by me in what I call a "prolonged portrait" manner, which, at times has a documentary feel to it, and I am usually studying her Hellish downfall and demise. A Vomit Gore movie doesn't necessarily have to be a "horror" movie, but, given my interests and cinematic style, I usually invoke extreme elements of gore because I like to show the destruction of the human form to symbolize transcending the human condition and concrete reality.

VideoStar-What advise, if any would you offer to aspiring film makers considering a career in Vomit gore or extreme horror in general? Are there any "learning experiences" you'd care to share with us...

Lucifer Valentine- Haha, wow ! Well, I would say not to aspire to anything; to not hypothesize and theorize about film making; and to not make it an intellectual endeavor and mental plaything based on the idea of cleverness. I would advise to honestly set forth and do and capture things on film that represent who you are as a person on a deep level and how you truly feel and perceive various important themes in your life and to create a texture and "fabric" of actual heartfelt realism to the quality of your film no matter what the subject matter.

VideoStar-So, we were chatting online when it came out that you were a fan of Daniel Johnston. For those who do not know, Daniel Johnston is a very talented musician who has had a long struggle with schizophrenia. I think it would surprise a lot of readers to find out that you enjoy his music. As a fan myself, I've gotta ask... What's your favorite recording of his and why?  
Lucifer Valentine- I love the "Hi, How Are You?" cassette tape that Daniel Johnston would personally had out to people outside of bars in Texas in the early 1980's. When I first heard Johnston's music, I instantly loved it as I could get a real sense of childlike mania and an unhinged scary kind of profusion of unadulterated, raw and honest fragmented ideas that gave me an eerie and unreal feeling.

VideoStar- How did you come to listen to Daniel Johnston? I'm assuming it was due to Kurt cobains fondness for him as well... 

Lucifer Valentine- I liked Johnston at first separately from NIrvana as a friend gave me a tape of "Hi, How Are You?", it was about a year later that I saw Cobain was wearing Daniel Johnston T-Shirts in magazines and on award shows.

VideoStar-One more music related question. How does it make you feel as a film maker when artists such as Sutter kain, Necro, and a few others sample your films in their music?

Lucifer Valentine- I think its cool and flattering when smaller independent musicians sample my movies as long as they give me credit somewhere on the artwork; I mean, it is illegal as they haven't actually licensed my movies from me, but there's so much piracy that goes on these days there's really not much I can do about it, and if I like the music that's a bonus ! I randomly walked into a night club in Seattle once and a fantastic glitch core artist Amphetamine Virus had just started his set with a very long sample of Ameara LaVey talking from SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS and I thought it sounded fucken great !

VideoStar- In one of your previous interviews you stated you enjoy drinking absinthe. We are also treated to the knowledge that you were smoking a joint while recording the commentary for one of your films. Do you find that an altered mind lends itself well to creativity? Tell us a bit about the creative process...

Lucifer Valentine- Hahaha, well actually, it was my former executive producer, Nobody, who was smoking a joint while we were in Amsterdam recording the audio commentary for ReGOREgitated Sacrifice, but, I do really like abscinthe, and during the time that we made RS, myself and many of the performers would drink it ! For me, abscinthe creates a mysterious, hazy kind of effect and gives the room an uncanny sort of vibe which I love to shoot in.

Video Star-There's been some buzz lately about Black Metal Veins, your upcoming film. I've heard that you found yourself in some pretty shady places and dangerous situations while filming. I also understand there were some potential legal hurdles that caused some difficulty in releasing the film. If you can, could you share some "dirt" on the filming of BMV and offer some sort of clue as to when we can add another Lucifer Valentine film to our shelves? 

Lucifer Valentine- Yes ! Black Metal Veins was the most harrowing shooting experience I've had thus far as a film maker largely because I was seeing multiple people's demise and prolonged and grueling self destruction take place simultaneously for many many months on end. Also, in shooting Black Metal Veins, I could see first hand the gruesome and debilitating effects heroin and crack use has on people's bodies, minds, spirits and also how drug addiction destroys families and relationships. So, on many profound levels, Black Metal Veins took me straight into an infinite dark void of despair and loss which actually did bring about the death of one of the main performers in the film, Chris, and as people will see, the other performers in the movie were also at the brink of death in one way or another throughout. I am very very proud of Black Metal Veins and forever grateful to all the performers for allowing me access to their lives and for totally embracing me from day one as a friend and collaborator. Unearthed Films plans to release Black Metal Veins this summer.

VideoStar-You know I'm gonna bug you for a screener :)

Lucifer Valentine- Ok !

VideoStar-Are there any other projects or neat things to look forward to from you in the coming year? You have shared one in particular with me in confidence that has me on the edge of my fucking seat. Care to share some details on what we can expect from you in the near future?

Lucifer Valentine- I am currently shooting a very vicious and brutally over-the-top Vomit Gore film; I had no intention of it being Vomit Gore per se, but as we were filming the movie literally just took on a life of its own and it definitely became Vomit Gore ! I am loving this new movie and all I can say right now is that it is very horrifyingly beautiful ! 

-Here's a random one...How awesome are hot chicks in open toed high heeled shoes?

Very awesome !

Well, I think were done here. I mean, at least for now...

Ok cool, thanks !

Be sure to keep an eye out for  Lucifer Valentine's new film "Black Metal Veins", due out this summer from Unearthed Films. Thanks to Lucifer Valentine and to all of the sickos in the Lucifer Valentine Secret Friends club Facebook group. Also, Be sure to check out and browse the catalog including the VOMIT GORE TRILOGY BOX SET, which includes the all three parts of the Vomit Gore trilogy and Lucifer Valentines new film "A perfect Child of Satan". Click HERE For my review on the box set.

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