Monday, March 19, 2012

For the love of Satan.

Satan loves all of his children. Especially the bad ones.

So, If you are here I imagine you have probably heard of "A Serbian film". This movie caused quite a stir when it was released due to its "Graphic depiction of infanticide and rape". If you have not seen "A Serbian film"... the scene in question involves a man having sex with a newborn child, still attached to its mother. It is disturbing, and it will get under your skin.

Meh... Whatevs...

 At the time of its release bloggers and websites everywhere were talking about this film and how it "crossed the line" and "entered new territory for shock cinema". This is not exactly true. It had been done before. One year before "A Serbian Film" popped up and shocked audiences with its depiction of infant rape, Lucifer Valentine released "Slow Torture Puke Chamber", The third and final installment of the Vomit Gore Trilogy. Aside from bringing the story of Angela Aberdeen to a close, it also included a scene that I feel was overlooked in terms of its cinematic significance. Towards the end of the film Hank skinny appears on screen and assists a woman in giving birth, in a wonderfully graphic and disturbing manner of course.)I mean, come on... this is a Lucifer Valentine film...) Here is a screenshot:
It's only going to get worse from here...
Not only does Slow Torture Puke chamber cross the same line that "A Serbian Film" did, it also adds emetophilia, verbal abuse, and as a bonus... a little bit of kick the baby. And it does it all up close, and without cutting away. Those who have seen this film know exactly what I am talking about. The first thing to take note of in this scene is the fact that an obviously fake doll was used. Most viewers would automatically assume this was just a poor choice of special effects. Most viewers don't look deeper than the screen...
That baby belongs to Satan now.

The magic of the scene lies in the fact that an obviously fake doll was used, but you still FEEL the same feelings as if you were actually watching the unthinkable unfold right in front of you. This is where the movie fucks with the viewers head. You know that you should not feel so disturbed by the on screen antics of a blood and puke covered Hank Skinny playing with a gelatin doll. In fact, the sight of it could almost make you laugh... but the context in which it is presented is what fucks you up. It makes for a truly surreal moment. If you ask Lucifer Valentine, he will tell you that the choice of an obviously fake baby was intentional, and that it was meant to illicit a sort of internal conflict within the viewer. Or, as he explained it to me, the doll is:

 "A paradoxical visual manifestation of a slaughtered vomit doll"

I wonder why this film was overlooked when  it was released. There was no sort of outrage. Lucifer Valentine wasn't mentioned on google news. But, he should have been. What I'm saying is that all of the mania and public outrage that "A Serbian film" received should have gone to "Slow torture puke chamber". Lucifer Valentine crossed the line first, he deserves the recognition. A Serbian Film only "worked" because of the outrage and outcry against it.It is actually a pretty boring film, and its only redeeming quality is the quick moment of shock and disgust you feel the first time you see it. Lucifer Valentines film is  very well produced, it lingers in your head for days, and it disturbs you on a level that defies explanation. His films do not rely simply on a brief moment of shock value. It is a shame that he did not receive the mainstream recognition he deserved for his contribution to extreme cinema. However, in my  interactions online with Lucifer Valentine it becomes apparent that he does not care what the mainstreams view on him or his films is. He is content knowing that his fans love his work and will remain loyal. 
By the way, this is not Lucifer Valentine. Stop saying that it is.

 I still can't help but feel a bit of confusion. Audiences flocked to theaters to watch The human centipede, SAW, and A Serbian film because they heard they were shocking films that set out to explore the darker facets of humanity...The bad parts of life...They wanted to see something they do not usually get to see, but still retain a level of comfort. I guess that this is where the mainstream and Lucifer Valentine collide. Lucifer Valentines films provide EXACTLY what the audience seeks to find. They shock, they give you a peek into the "other side" of things, they give you something to think about. But his films strip away the level of comfort. They force you to confront the horrors of not only the real world, but the metaphysical world as well. They evoke genuine responses and reactions from viewers. They are the real deal mind fuck. But most audiences can't handle the real deal and are content watching the next SAW film or bad horror remake, never knowing that there is a deeper kind of horror film to be enjoyed. Something that doesn't insult its audience by asking them to completely suspend any and all disbelief. Disbelief does not exist while watching a Lucifer Valentine film. You know that what you are watching is real. You'll tell yourself it can't be, but it is. And isn't that what a horror audience wants? To be so scared they have to re-assure themselves " ITS ONLY A MOVIE...ITS ONLY A MOVIE". I guess the problem lies in that a Lucifer Valentine film is so much more than "ONLY A MOVIE" It's a full on pillaging of all your senses, sensibilities, and emotions that will leave you feeling it for days. It seems that most audiences do not want to feel, they only want to watch. And that is a fucking shame.

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