Monday, May 21, 2012

The Toxic Avenger Limited edition Big Box release! Aka. Tromas shitty Cashgrab

When I first heard troma would be releasing a Big Box VHS edition of the Toxic Avenger, I was fucking thrilled. The Toxic Avenger is easily my favorite film, and VHS is my favorite format. I already own The Toxic Avenger on VHS, and have owned literally every American release of it. So, when I heard that there would be ANOTHER release of this and it would finally be getting the Big Box treatment, there was no doubt in my mind that I would own this and it would be epic. I mean, come on... look at it... It looks sick as all fuck:
Yeah, it looks pretty fucking incredible. Even if you don't own a VCR anymore.

 Not only do you get that Sweet-ass Green VHS tape housed inside  a "Hard Clamshell". You also get that big ass box with Toxie on it, and get this... "ALL OF THEM ARE SIGNED BY LLOYD KAUFMAN!"
Fuck yeah! Lloyds Autograph on a Toxic Avenger Big Box. Sounds too good to be true...

 This is where the first problem pops up. There is no autograph anywhere to be found on mine. Seems to be that nobody who ordered this has received a signed copy. This is absolute false advertising...and although it is a bummer, it isn't even the tip of the fucking iceberg...

Whoever works in Tromas Shipping department should be fired. They decided to ship these big boxes in Padded envelopes, rather than boxes. Normally this wouldn't be too big of a deal, but the clamshell inside of the big box is significantly smaller then the Big box itself. Check this out so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about:
The Clamshell case should fit snugly inside. This one is loose and moves around quite a bit inside.

You might still be wondering why this is such a big deal. Maybe you think I'm just being a prick. But check this out...The fact that there was so much wiggle room inside of the box coupled with the tight padded envelope they shipped it in resulted in my VHS arriving looking like this:
Front Cover. Mid way across the top. Box was crushed and is creased.

Top Flap. Numerous spiderweb crushes and creases.

Back cover. Bottom left Side. Hard crush caused the clamshell inside to warp.

Bottom back cover and side spine. Not only was the box crushed, the bottom flap was bent back slightly and the glue was beginning to separate. Had to repair this with Glue-stick.

Another shot of the front cover. This one shows the damage a bit more.

Back cover. Hard crease and fraying along the edge of the box.

 This is completely unacceptable. I understand that Sometimes damages occur during shipping, but this could have been prevented had they used boxes rather than envelopes. This is 100 percent Tromas fault. This might not be so surprising or irritating had this been a 20 year old VHS copy purchased off amazon for 5 bucks. But this is a brand new item, purchased direct from the Studio...for 38 dollars a piece. 
Sure fucking feels that way...

It is completely beyond unreasonable to expect a consumer to accept an item in this condition. I would have looked past the Typos on the back cover, the wasted spine space, and the cheap flimsy clamshell they used. I wouldn't have even cared that they used a really shitty master to duplicate these. This is seriously the worst I have ever seen this movie look and sound. But more on that in a minute. I would have looked past all of this once I saw that sweet image of Toxie staring back at me from the front of a Big Box. But instead, I look at it and feel anger. I feel cheated, lied to, and ripped off. It's hard to look past the negatives, when there doesn't seem to be any positives. Maybe "NO positives" is a bit extreme. The color of the VHS is awesome, and the "you must purchase this tape if this label is broken" sticker was a nice touch. But other than that, it's hard to be happy with this release.

Aside from the Cheap, undersized clamshells and damaged Big boxes... There is also the contents of the tape itself. Now, The tape looks awesome. It is a nice green which really does remind you of toxic waste. This is cool, but not cool enough to make up for the shitty transfer. I don't know where they obtained the master tape used to duplicate these VHS, but it looks and sounds like shit. The first thing I noticed was the bass missing from the music during the films spoken introduction. It is simply not there for a few seconds. Right about the time we see the title card drop into place, you will notice the washed out colors that will persist throughout this release. In general, this release looks bad. The most notable moment is during the scenes where we first see melvin interact with the bullies. The water in the spa blends together and appears as a white blotch on screen. Also, during the Head Crushing scene, Colors are too dark and make parts of the scene difficult to view. Most notable in this scene is the shot of the polaroids the girls take after they have killed the kid. The color and blurriness make the photos difficult to interpret.
This Release actually gives you, the viewer a chance to experience what it is like to have your eyes poked by the toxic avenger! Just like in the movie!!

This release is sure to disappoint just about everyone. The only redeeming factor here is the Vintage interview tossed in before the movie starts. However, as cool as that footage was... it only confirms that troma did indeed select a shitty master to duplicate these from, because the interview footage is actually higher quality than the movie itself! It appears in typical VHS quality, with decent sound. Then the film starts and it all goes to shit. This bugs me because it implies a certain lack of concern for quality. Which, coupled with the shitty shipping choice... makes for a product which comes across feeling as nothing more than a shitty Cashgrab for Troma. However, in typical Troma fashion...corners were cut, which resulted in a shitty realization of a great idea.

My advise to Troma: Next time you guys wanna release a VHS, make sure that the Clamshell fits the box snugly. Exercise some caution when selecting a master tape, and for fucks sake send the fucking things out in BOXES!

My advise to you: If you are a Toxie or Troma collector who is thinking about buying this...DONT!! It will only piss you off and make you feel cheated. Instead, why not hit up ebay and pick up a nice "Battle for Tromaville" Board game, or a Original Lightning Video VHS release. IF you are just now discovering The Toxic Avenger and you think this is something you want to pick up....Dont!! Head on over to amazon and pick up a copy of the Troma collectors Edition on VHS. It is the best release of this movie to ever come out on VHS and it wont leave you feeling like you want to toss it right out of a window into a vat of Toxic Chemical Waste.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The burning moon on VHS

From Mondo Video and Intervision Picture Corp. Limited to 340.  the running time is 8 minutes shorter than the Intervision DVD release according to the packaging. Review and comparison coming soon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

BLACK METAL VEINS Official Trailer. Watch now and pray the months fly by...

At long last Lucifer Valentine has released a trailer for his upcoming film "Black Metal Veins". Black metal veins allows us a glimpse into the lives of five heroin addicts. If you are familiar with Lucifer Valentines previous work, you know this is going to be a powerful film. This is also Lucifer Valentines first "true" documentary, in the sense that it is about 5 real life people, with real life drug problems which they were kind enough to allow us a peek into. 

I was able to get a tiny bit of info from Lucifer Valentine about the upcoming DVD release in July from Unearthed films. There will be two versions of the film released simultaneously. A "Domestic Cut", which I am assuming will be the "casual viewers" version of the two... as well as a directors cut, which I assume is aimed at the hardcore:

 "The directors cut has a few infernally beautiful scenes that can't go mainstream".  
                  - Lucifer Valentine

This is the first time a Lucifer Valentine film is being released in multiple cuts, and that is god damned intriguing. Being that i am familiar with his work, I am aware that he doesn't shy away from showing anything on camera, and this is one of the things that makes his films unique. So, with that in mind... What could be in this new film that could possibly require a "safer" version for the casual viewer? I don't know about you, but I can't wait to find out. Black Metal Veins will be available this July From Lucifer Valentine and Unearthed Films.

I miss this guy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

26 years ago today, a hero was born.

26 years ago today THE TOXIC AVENGER first opened in theaters. The film was not expected to do well, but it ended up running for almost 2 years straight at the Bleeker St. Cinema in New York. It went on to become one of the biggest selling films of the 1980s, spawn a pop culture icon and mascot for the most successful independent film studio in history, and eventually became a kids television show. Words can't describe the love I have for this movie. It was my favorite when I was a kid, and still is today. Happy birthday Toxie!

Who doesn't want to kick back with a pretty lady on their birthday?
Over the years, your looks have changed. But we still love you!
Let this be a lesson to you, hotass!
Yeah, happy birthday to me. I bet you didn't even know.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What about those Tapes that don't play anymore....

If you collect VHS tapes than you know sometimes shit happens and you are left with a non working tape. Most collectors are aware that you can repair a VHS tape and get it working again, but most do not know how. And that really fucking sucks! It is a shitty feeling to have a really rare VHS tape that you can't watch. Sure the box is nice, but you want to be able to watch the movie inside. So...With that in mind I am going to begin a weekly or bi-weekly (not sure which yet) series of posts dedicated to the repair and maintenance of VHS tapes. This will include simple stuff such as removing the stickers and sticker residue from your Ex-rentals without damaging the artwork, to rather complex things like replacing the moving parts inside, or repairing a popped tape. Even some lesser known stuff like restoring frayed box corners and even removing tape mold.

It did not look this way when I put it in the VCR...

 I have opened up literally hundreds of videotapes over the course of my lifetime and I have yet to encounter a busted ass tape I can not repair. So, keep checking back and sooner or later your bound to see the first post materialize.