Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lucifer Valentines Vomit Gore Trilogy

I first caught wind of Lucifer Valentine(LV666) years ago from a friend of mine. He told me about this fucked up movie that he had seen and how it was "really something special." The best he could do to explain it to me was "it's sort of like a porno, but not's just really fucked up and you have to see it." I tried to seek out "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls", but could not locate a copy anywhere. The only bits i had seen were what LV666 had posted online and I was starting to worry that I would not get to see this film. At that time LV666's films were not being distributed by anyone other than himself, so getting your hands on a copy was next to impossible for awhile. (The original Kingdom of hell releases are highly sought after by collectors now, as these were actually produced by LV666 himself.) I'd all but given up on ever watching Slaughtered Vomit Dolls when one day a bootlegged copy of it found it's way into my player. It was like nothing I had ever seen. It wasn't quite a horror film, but it is. It's not quite a porno, but it feels like it is. While watching LV666's movies, you are never quite sure where reality ends and fantasy are in his world, and it is a disturbing world indeed. LV666's movies are difficult to explain to someone who has not seen them. Imagine if it were possible to showcase all of the hurt,fear, and pain from someones existence,not just the physical hurt and fear, but the emotional and spiritual as well, all at once. Imagine if you were auditing someones existence as they were being pulled into hell. That is about as close to explaining the trilogy as i can come. If you have never seen them, i would strongly suggest doing so. The films leave you feeling as though you are watching something that you should not be. I felt as if i was 10 years old again, digging through my dads stash of porno magazines, praying no one would catch me. You REALLY feel these films. Some viewers will be turned away almost instantly by the lack of traditional camera work. LV666 utilizes some interesting camera work throughout the trilogy.  It allows us to see the world though the liquor and tear slicked eyes of his subjects. It is like we are watching the characters downfall and descent into hell...through their own eyes.This probably doesn't make alot of sense to you right now, and that's understandable. Like i said, LV666's films are like nothing you have ever seen. Explaining them doesn't do the trilogy any kind of justice.
I could try and explain this, but you still wouldn't get it.
One of my favorite scenes from the Vomit gore trilogy.

An amazing use of color contrast and a pivotal point in the story.

Come back tomorrow for my in-depth review of the new Vomit Gore Trilogy 4 DVD box set.

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